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English further down. Please fill in and sign the Greek agreement. You can send us a scan or clear photo and send it to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or bring this to us.This needs to be submitted at least 2 working days in advance of the event.

Στην Κέρκυρα σήμερα ………………του έτους 2024, οι κάτωθι υπογράφοντες το παρόν, αφενός μεν η εταιρία με την επωνυμία «Δ. ΑΝΔΡΟΥΤΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ – ΒΑΛ ΑΝΔΡΟΥΤΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Α.Ε.», Α.Φ.Μ. 094223902, εκμετάλλευση ενοικιαζομένων διαμερισμάτων, Σγόμπου Κορακιάνα Κέρκυρα, Δ.Ο.Υ. Κερκύρας, όπως νόμιμα εκπροσωπείται στο παρόν από τη νόμιμο εκπρόσωπό της Ζωή Βάλερη του Διονυσίου, Α.Φ.Μ. 062369773 και αφετέρου η/ο …………....................................... επαγγελμα…………………..............διευθυνση………………………………………………………......................ΑΦΜ:......................... αμοιβαία κάνουν αποδεκτά και αποδέχονται τα κάτωθι :
Η πρώτη των συμβαλλομένων, όπως νόμιμα εκπροσωπείται στο παρόν παραχωρεί στη δεύτερη των συμβαλλομένων μία αίθουσα 60 τετραγωνικών μέτρων περίπου που βρίσκεται εντός του ιδιόκτητου χώρου που εκμεταλλεύεται τα ενοικιαζόμενα διαμερίσματα στη θέση Σγόμπου Κορακιάνας, προκειμένου η δεύτερη των συμβαλλομένων να τον χρησιμοποιήσει για να κάνει ................................................................................................................
Η χρήση του χώρου θα γίνεται στις ………. 2024 και κατά τις ώρες ……….. και διατιθεται με ......ευρω.
Σε επιβεβαίωση των παραπάνω συμφωνιών, συντάχθηκε το παρόν και αφού διαβάστηκε και βεβαιώθηκε, υπογράφεται από τους συμβαλλομένους σε τρία ίσης αξίας πρωτότυπα, ώστε κάθε συμβαλλόμενο μέρος να πάρει από ένα και το τρίτο να κατατεθεί στη Δ.Ο.Υ. Κερκύρας

……………………………. Casa Lucia….................



In Corfu today ………… 2024, the undersigned, on the one hand, the company with the name “D. ANDROUTSOPOULOS - VAL ANDROUTSOPOULOU S.A.", A.F.M. 094223902, rented apartments, Sgombou Korakiana Corfu, D.O.Y. Corfu, as legally represented herein by the legal representative of Mrs. Zoe Valerie of Dionysiou, A.F.M. 062369773 and on the other hand………………....................occupation............address.......... ...............VAT #:................. mutually agree and accept the following:
The first of the contracting parties, as legally represented herein, grants to the second of the contracting parties a room of approximately 60 square meters located within the privately owned space that exploits the rental apartments at Sgombou, Ano Korakiana, in order for the second of the contracting parties to use it for .. ................................................ ..............

The space will be used on …….. (dates) and between …… (times) and is made available for ... euros.

In confirmation of the above agreements, this has been drawn up and after it has been read and confirmed, it is signed by the parties in three originals of equal value, so that each party takes one and the third is submitted to D.O.Y. Corfu


Signatures……………………………. Casa Lucia...................


Παρακαλούμε αντιγράψτε, συμπληρώστε και υπογράψτε.
Μπορείτε να μας στείλετε σάρωση ή καθαρή φωτογραφία στο Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. ή να μας την φέρετε.
Πρέπει να υποβληθεί τουλάχιστον 2 εργάσιμες ημέρες πριν από την εκδήλωση.


Στην Κέρκυρα σήμερα ………………του έτους 2024, οι κάτωθι υπογράφοντες το παρόν, αφενός μεν η εταιρία με την επωνυμία «Δ. ΑΝΔΡΟΥΤΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ – ΒΑΛ ΑΝΔΡΟΥΤΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Α.Ε.», Α.Φ.Μ. 094223902, εκμετάλλευση ενοικιαζομένων διαμερισμάτων, Σγόμπου Κορακιάνα Κέρκυρα, Δ.Ο.Υ. Κερκύρας, όπως νόμιμα εκπροσωπείται στο παρόν από τη νόμιμο εκπρόσωπό της Ζωή Βάλερη του Διονυσίου, Α.Φ.Μ. 062369773 και αφετέρου η/ο …………....................................... επαγγελμα…………………..............διευθυνση………………………………………………………......................ΑΦΜ:......................... αμοιβαία κάνουν αποδεκτά και αποδέχονται τα κάτωθι :
Η πρώτη των συμβαλλομένων, όπως νόμιμα εκπροσωπείται στο παρόν παραχωρεί στη δεύτερη των συμβαλλομένων μία αίθουσα 60 τετραγωνικών μέτρων περίπου που βρίσκεται εντός του ιδιόκτητου χώρου που εκμεταλλεύεται τα ενοικιαζόμενα διαμερίσματα στη θέση Σγόμπου Κορακιάνας, προκειμένου η δεύτερη των συμβαλλομένων να τον χρησιμοποιήσει για να κάνει ................................................................................................................
Η χρήση του χώρου θα γίνεται στις ………. 2024 και κατά τις ώρες ……….. και διατιθεται με ......ευρω.
Σε επιβεβαίωση των παραπάνω συμφωνιών, συντάχθηκε το παρόν και αφού διαβάστηκε και βεβαιώθηκε, υπογράφεται από τους συμβαλλομένους σε τρία ίσης αξίας πρωτότυπα, ώστε κάθε συμβαλλόμενο μέρος να πάρει από ένα και το τρίτο να κατατεθεί στη Δ.Ο.Υ. Κερκύρας

……………………………. Casa Lucia….................

Rental and Booking Terms for Activity Rooms

Please read these Terms carefully as they are legally binding and constitute an integral part of your agreement with Casa Lucia.

1. A Private Agreement is required.


These Terms contain the provisions of your booking with Casa Lucia. Our conditional offer for the rental of the Property and of any additional services that you have requested is subject to our receipt of the corresponding payments, according to the Payment Schedule. 

3. PAYMENTS: In order for this booking to be confirmed, we ask that you follow the Payment Schedule. If the payments are not received by their respective due dates we reserve our right to immediately terminate this agreement and cancel your booking.
When accommodation is involved the deposit & cancellation policy is as for regular accommodation bookings.
When it is a group booking then the Group Booking Policy applies.

  • One-time event
    When booking closer to the starting date the following will be regulated accordingly. The details will also vary according to the duration of the event.
    • 25% deposit upon booking
    • Full payment 2 months prior to the event
    • Cancellations 4 weeks prior to the event: full refund
    • Cancellations between 4 & 2 weeks prior to the event: 50% refund
    • Cancellations less than 2 weeks prior to the event: no refund
  • Weekly event
    • Full payment of the month's events on the 1st of each month.
    • Cancellations 48 hours prior to the event: full refund
    • Cancellations 24 hours prior to the event: 50% refund
    • Cancellations less than 24 hours prior to the event: no refund
  • Monthly event
    • Full payment on the 1st of each month.
    • Cancellations 2 weeks prior to the event: full refund
    • Cancellations between 2 weeks and 24 hours prior to the event: 50% refund
    • Cancellations less that 24 hours prior to the event: no refund
  • Other recurring event
    Special arrangements will be made according to the specifics of the event.

4. BOOKING CONFIRMATION DETAILS: Once we have received the Initial Payment according to the Payment Schedule, you shall receive a Booking Confirmation & Payment Receipt by email. Please read this confirmation carefully and contact us immediately if the information contained therein is incorrect or incomplete. We shall not be obliged to rectify any errors or omissions that are reported more than 48 hours after the transmission of the confirmation.


5.1 If you wish to make any changes to your confirmed booking, you must notify us in writing as soon as possible. We shall make every effort to meet your request, but cannot guarantee compliance with such requests.

5.2 If you wish to cancel your booking, you must inform us immediately in writing. 

6. CHANGES & CANCELLATION BY US: In the exceptional circumstance where we can no longer provide you with the Property booked (for reasons other than Force Majeure), you will have the choice between one of the following options: i. Accept the Property for an alternative Rental Period; ii. If the above option is not possible or acceptable, we will cancel the booking and refund any amounts paid to us. We shall not be held liable for any losses or damages incurred.

7. CHECK IN/CHECK OUT: The space will be available 15 minutes before your event. Please vacate the space max 15 minutes after the end of your event.


8.1 We do not host:
Any form of coercive / authoritarian / adultist pedagogy
Any form of religious and socio-political indoctrination
Any form of homophobia and repression of diversity in general, any denial of human potential and qualities due to color, race, gender identity, sexual preferences
Any form of nationalism
We reserve the right to end the collaboration in such cases

8.2 leave the space clean, tidy and with electrics off and fire out (e.g. incense sticks & candles). Please do not smoke indoors.
Roll mats single and tight without folding and place all equipment as you found it. If you use the silks there must be nothing sharp or dirty on the body & clothes.
Do not enter the space with shoes.

8.3 You shall not sublet the Property under any circumstances whatsoever.

8.4 Photographs taken at the Property cannot be used or sold for profit.

9. GUEST INJURY DISCLAIMER: Casa Lucia and its employees, the Owner of the Property, the Property staff and the Service Providers cannot be held liable towards you, the Occupants or your guests for any accident or injury occurred during your stay, under any circumstances. We have full public indemnity insurance.

10. SAFETY: Casa Lucia and its employees, the Owner of the Property, the Property staff and the Service Providers cannot be held liable towards you, the Occupants or your guests for any loss or misplacement of valuables left in the Property during your stay.

11. CHILDREN: Please note that the supervision, safety, behaviour of your children is your sole responsibility.

12. BEHAVIOUR: If in our reasonable opinion, or of any other person in authority, you or a member of your group behaves in a manner, which causes or is likely to cause danger, excessive disturbance (i.e. to the neighbours), damage to the Property, or acts in breach of these Terms, this Agreement may be terminated immediately and you shall be asked to leave the Property. In this event, you shall not receive any refund and you shall be fully liable for any expenses incurred as a result of your behaviour or the behaviour of the persons in your group.


13.1 You shall be liable for any damages and/or losses caused to the Property and its contents during your stay. You are required to report any damages or losses to the Property as soon as they occur. We strongly recommend that you obtain an insurance policy, which will cover accidental damage to the Property and its contents.


14.1. If you are dissatisfied with the Property or the services of a supplier, please contact the Property Manager immediately. It is a precondition for any compensation that you inform us of all complaints as soon as possible and in any event not after the end of your stay.

14.2. FORCE MAJEURE: If the execution of this agreement is no longer possible because of force majeure, then any amounts paid but no longer justified, will be reimbursed within 30 days of the event causing the impossibility.

15. INSURANCES: We strongly recommend that you have travel, medical, third party liability and repatriation insurances prior to your trip. Casa Lucia does not offer such insurances and shall not be held liable for their absence. The property provides a fully stocked mini pharmacy with written instructions and information for each medicine. However, neither the property nor the property owner or representative can be held liable for the use of any of the medicines provided.

16. PARTIAL CANCELLATION: A partial cancellation of these provisions pursuant to an agreement between the parties or to the decision of a judicial authority shall not affect the validity of the entire booking agreement.

17. APPLIANCE LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION: All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Rental and Booking Terms shall be governed by the Greek Law and shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Greek Law Civil Procedure Code. If no settlement can be reached by mediation, the dispute shall finally be settled by the courts of Corfu, Greece.

Camping at Casa Lucia

Ιn your own tent/camper/van:

--€5 per person per day without use of Estia kitchen and bathroom. This includes use of outdoor compost toilet and shower (hot water only in sunshine).

--€10 per person per day with use of Estia kitchen and bathroom.

In our Bell tent:

--€10 per person per day without use of Estia kitchen and bathroom. This includes use of outdoor compost toilet and shower (hot water only in sunshine)

--€15 per person per day with use of Estia kitchen and bathroom.

Concessions possible where needed (i.e. in the case of children).

Group bookings

Minimum Rental: 4 Cottages at the rates of the relevant season.

The allocation of participants is up to the organisers with our help when necessary. The prices include daily maid service (except for Sundays and holidays) and a welcome pack.
Compulsory Government Tourist tax: 1.50 euro per day per cottage.

Provisional Booking:: 8 months prior to arrival date.

Initial deposit: 6 months prior to arrival date 25% deposit.

Second deposit: 4 months prior to arrival date, 25% deposit on any further accommodation booked in the interim.

Final total payment: 2 months prior to arrival date.

Capacity: Maximum 26 people

Green, Stone and Yellow Cottage: 3 - 4 people
Red, White and Gardener’s Cottage: 2 - 3 people
Studios (2): 1 - 2 people

Hire of activity and cooking/eating spaces and catering by arrangement.

Cancellation refunds

Up to 12 weeks prior – deposit refunded less 10 euros per cottage.

6-12 weeks – 50% of full payment refunded.

4-6 weeks – 25% of full payment refunded.

Less than 4 weeks - no refund.

For larger groups we collaborate with a beautiful mansion 200 metres away and also camping is possible.

If a request is made for a group booking at a late date, all conditions will be revised if there is availability.