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Αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα

Malama Yoga
Donnerstag 09 Juli 2020, 10:00am - 11:30am

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My goal is to share the magic of yoga and to create a safe place where participants can feel calm and peaceful, as well as to create the motivation to empower them.

Moreover, my goal is to teach/remind them the diaphragmatic breathing. My ambition is also to inspire the practitioners to start their journey towards a union with their inner self. I believe that every day and in every practice we have the possibility to explore and experience the relationship between mind, body and soul.

The classes include body posture exercises (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayamas) and guided relaxation.

A key term in our practice where we are trying to focus on is mindfulness, that is our ability to observe and be aware of what we are experiencing in the present moment. And that can be achieved by starting to observe our body and our breathing.

The classes will be in English when necessary.


My journey into the yoga world has started many years ago.The first contact was made in the drama school of G. Kimoulis where I studied theatre and among other subjects I was taught dance, pilates, Alexander technique and yoga.

Parallel to my studies I attended ashtanga yoga classes with Eleftheria Lagoudaki and Alexander technique private sessions with Vicky Panagiotaki.

Afterwards I moved to Sweden where I studied energy engineering and later on to Italy for postgraduate studies.

Alongside my studies and work in different fields I was introduced to and practised different styles of yoga: ashtanga, hatha, vinyasa, hot, aerial, acro, nidra, power, yin yoga...

Fascinated by this integrated system and this holistic approach to life I decided to travel to India, the country that gave birth to yoga, following an inner need to deepen my knowledge.

There I completed two teacher training programs: Multi-style yoga (Hatha and Ashtanga) @ Upaya Yoga Center and Prenatal yoga @ Trimurti Yoga.

Later on I completed the teacher training program Getting Started in Kids Yoga by Jamie Amor founder of Cosmic Kids Yoga and I was certified as a children’s yoga teacher. I also attended the two Master courses of Cosmic Kids Yoga: Conquering Class Management andMaking a Living as a Kids Yoga Teacher.

I have led yoga classes for adults (ashtanga,vinyasa flow, hatha, power and hatha flow), pregnant women and children of different ages in Italy, Nigeria and Greece.

Since August 2019 I live and work in Corfu, Greece.

Information: 6977523711

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